Amit R. Vora Featured in Q&A with The Appellate Project

Kasowitz Benson Torres Special Counsel Amit R. Vora is featured in a Q&A with The Appellate Project, a non-profit organization that helps law students of color to thrive in the appellate field. In the Q&A, Mr. Vora discusses the importance of developing a broad knowledge base of substantive law and getting into the habit of routinely reading appellate judicial opinions, and shares tips about how to draft winning appealing briefs.
Amit R. Vora, Special Counsel at Kasowitz Benson Torres, has wide-ranging appellate litigation experience and represents companies and individuals in constitutional, administrative, and financial matters. He has filed scores of briefs, including in the U.S. Supreme Court, and has presented numerous oral arguments, including before the D.C. Circuit, the Seventh Circuit, eight times before the Second Circuit, and over a dozen times before the New York State Supreme Court’s Appellate Division. Amit also serves as a mentor with The Appellate Project.