Kasowitz Advises NYC Yeshiva Pro Bono in Wake of Measles Outbreak

In the wake of the recent measles outbreak in certain New York City neighborhoods, Kasowitz advised a Jewish day school, Yeshiva Har Torah in Queens, on its response to a small group of families who resisted vaccinating their children. Drawing on expert medical advice, Kasowitz counselled the Yeshiva on navigating New York State’s complex Public Health Law immunization requirements to ensure the safety of all of its students and faculty, developing a health screening protocol for non-vaccinated students, and implementing a policy to ensure the vaccination of students in light of the State’s newly enacted law banning religious exemptions. Kasowitz successfully achieved a resolution that protected the health of everyone in the Yeshiva community in the face of a rapidly evolving and potentially dangerous medical situation.
The Kasowitz team representing Yeshiva Har Torah pro bono was led by partners David J. Abrams, Chair of the firm’s Pro Bono Committee and Robert M. Novick.