Stephen W. Tountas to Moderate New York City Bar Association Panel on Securities Litigation

Kasowitz partner Stephen W. Tountas will moderate the panel “Recent Developments in Securities Litigation” at the New York City Bar Association on October 24, 2017. In addition to Mr. Tountas, the panel includes several of New York’s top securities litigators, several of whom serve as counsel of record in some of the most important recent cases in securities litigation, including CalPERS v. ANZ Securities, Microsoft v. Baker, and Cyan, Inc. v. Beaver County Employees Retirement Fund.
The panel is comprised of:
- Stephen W. Tountas – Partner, Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP (moderator)
- Samuel H. Rudman – Partner, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP
- Brian E. Pastuszenski – Partner, Goodwin Procter LLP
- Serena P. Hallowell – Partner, Labaton Sucharow LLP
- David B. Toscano – Counsel, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
- Dana Berkowitz – Partner, Stris & Maher LLP
- Andrew W. Stern – Partner, Sidley Austin LLP
The event is free for New York City Bar Association members to register and $15 for non-members to register and will be followed by a complimentary networking reception. Click here to register and for more information.
The event will be held at:
New York City Bar Association
42 West 44th Street
Stephen W. Tountas is a trial lawyer who prosecutes and defends complex securities, antitrust and commercial disputes on behalf of leading hedge funds, mutual funds and public pension funds. He has secured billions of dollars in recoveries for stakeholders of public companies, and has been at the forefront of prosecuting several of the largest securities class actions and related opt-out actions in recent history.