Kasowitz Assists Ecuadorian Child With Request for Administrative Discretion to Prevent Deportation

Kasowitz attorneys recently assisted with an application for prosecutorial discretion made to the DHS Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”), on behalf of a 12 year-old Ecuadorian native who faced removal from the United States for entering the country illegally. Working with The Legal Aid Society, the firm prepared an expedited submission in New York Immigration Court requesting that ICE close the child’s removal proceedings for numerous discretionary factors, including his young age, his residence with his family, and a medical condition that requires ongoing treatment. ICE approved the firm's request, allowing the child to stay with his family in the United States without the threat of a removal proceeding. In its January 2017 Pro Bono Bulletin, the Legal Aid Society recognized the firm’s efforts on behalf of this child and his family.
This pro bono matter was supervised by partner David J. Abrams, Chair of the firm's Pro Bono Committee.